
In Studio - YogaSynergy Class
with Amelia Disspain

February 25 (Tuesday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
90 minutes

YogaBellingen 1/15 Short Street, Bellingen - behind the Gelato Bar

spots left
In the YogaSynergy method, each posture is taught with simple through to complex versions, enabling you to vary the intensity of your practice. We encourage you to practice responsively and to be in the present moment, choosing which version of the posture is appropriate to you on the day – this can change from day to day.
Emphasis is on balancing strength and flexibility, relaxation, correct breathing and flow, to increase your confidence and lower stress.
Our Open class follows a progressive 9 week program. In this program we focus on one of the 5 Yoga Synergy sequences (Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether).
It doesn’t matter what part of the 9 weeks you join in. Each week focusses on different aspects of the practice: alignment, anatomical safety, flow and adjustment by our experienced teachers, culminating in a dynamic, flowing, meditative practice.
These classes are great for cultivating your own practice and understanding of yoga. They are safe, fun and give you a cardiovascular workout. At the same time, use of balancing pranayama (breathing) and meditation, means you are able to go deeper into postures, and reconnect to your true essential nature.

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