
In studio -Prenatal Yoga
with Nadine O'Mara

March 7 (Friday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
75 minutes

YogaBellingen 1/15 Short Street, Bellingen - behind the Gelato Bar

spots left
From 12 weeks after conception until birth

 “Prenatal yoga has been scientifically proven to create shorter labours, less complications, less pain relief and babies with better birth weights”.

If you’ve never practiced yoga before, pregnancy is a wonderful time to start. Prenatal yoga can help you experience the joys and adjust to the challenges that pregnancy, birth and motherhood bring. From reducing the physical discomforts of pregnancy such as aching lower back, fatigue, gastric reflux and fluid retention to containing the emotional challenges like fear and anxiety about the birth and motherhood, yoga can help
The basic movements practiced during pre natal yoga are designed to strengthen, improve physical stamina and increase flexibility while simultaneously encouraging the baby into a better position for birth, hence increasing the chances of a natural delivery. Attention given to toning pelvic floor muscles and lower back help both during labour and aid an easier post partum period. Complimentary breathing techniques facilitate labour physically and encourage the presence of mind required to create a calm birthing experience. As a result a more intimate connection with baby, both before and after birth is possible.

$35 per class 


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